Archive for November 2009
MS Dynamics CRM 4.0 - Change Mouseover Text For CRM Field
Hi Guys,
As part of an internal project, we wanted to change the mouse-over text for certain fields on our form. We found the simplest little piece of JavaScript to do this that you can paste into the OnLoad event of your form:
Microsoft Dynamics - Filtered Lookup in CRM 4.0!
As many Dynamics CRM proffesionals will know, the ability to do filtered lookups on CRM 4.0 has long since escaped many of us. The only answer seems to be, "its coming in CRM 5.0" (is it me or is that the answer to everything?)
Anyway, with thanks to.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Posted by XRM Consultant
Microsoft Dynamics Virtual PC - HUGE VHD File!
Hey guys,
Like a lot of us i use the Microsoft Dynamics Virtual Machine Demonstration Toolkit. I have had this installed on my laptop for about 8 weeks now, giving me a development environment locally.
The size of the original image is not to bad,.