Archive for November 2009

MS Dynamics CRM 4.0 - Change Mouseover Text For CRM Field

Hi Guys,

As part of an internal project, we wanted to change the mouse-over text for certain fields on our form. We found the simplest little piece of JavaScript to do this that you can paste into the OnLoad event of your form:

crmForm.all.YOURFIELDNAME.title = "Your Desired Text"

Simplest scripts are the best!

Friday, 20 November 2009
Posted by XRM Consultant

Microsoft Dynamics - Filtered Lookup in CRM 4.0!

As many Dynamics CRM proffesionals will know, the ability to do filtered lookups on CRM 4.0 has long since escaped many of us. The only answer seems to be, "its coming in CRM 5.0" (is it me or is that the answer to everything?)

Anyway, with thanks to a fellow Dynamics CRM blogger, i have found a way of achieving filtered lookups in CRM 4.0!

In my scenario, i needed this functionality for 2 reasons. Firstly, i have an entity called Assets on which i have a set list of values, product families (i.e. servers, laptops etc) This list is published on my form as a picklist attribute. I also have another entity, IT Products, which houses my list of products. The same list picklist of product families is published on the IT Products form.

Therefore, i wanted to be able to add an Asset, select a product family from my drop down list and when clicking on my lookup to my products, display only those with my chosen product family.

I adapted some code found on another blog to achieve this:

Paste the following into the OnLoad event of the form:

document.FilterLookup = function(source, target)
    if (IsNull(source) || IsNull(target)) { return; }

    var name = IsNull(source.DataValue) ? '' : source.SelectedText;


    target.additionalparams = 'search=' + name;

document.FilterLookup(crmForm.all.citja_productfamily, crmForm.all.citja_itproductid);

Paste the following into the OnChange event of the Picklist:

document.FilterLookup(crmForm.all.citja_productfamily, crmForm.all.citja_itproductid);

For those of you that noticed, the "name=encodeURIComponent(name);" line allows you to deal with ampersand characters as well as any other funny international characters that may appear in your list

This works very very nicely and is a great workaround till version 5.



P.S. Credit to the guys at Advantage Works for their original post
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Posted by XRM Consultant

Microsoft Dynamics Virtual PC - HUGE VHD File!

Hey guys,

Like a lot of us i use the Microsoft Dynamics Virtual Machine Demonstration Toolkit. I have had this installed on my laptop for about 8 weeks now, giving me a development environment locally.

The size of the original image is not to bad, if memory serves around 20gb. Now i expect this to go up, but imagine my surprise when over the past few weeks i realise that it has grown to over 80gb!!!

After a bit of investigation i found that every time CRM 4.0 crashes, it creates a MDMP file in the logs folder in SQL Server. After a bit of investigation i was told that it was ok to delete these unless i needed them for diagnosis of a problem. So, delete them i did. However, after i rebooted the Virtual PC, the image was still 80gb.

Anway, i wont bore you with all the things i tried. Needless to say i have found via the following blog that to reduce it in size you need to follow the following steps:

1. Load your VPC and clear any unwanted files etc. (Make sure when you delete the files you Shift+Delete so as not to send them to recycle bin!)
2. Inside the your VPC run Virtual Disk Precompactor. This will "zero out" the data.
3. Shutdown your VPC and run the Virtual Disk Wizard. Here you will be given the option to compact the data which will reduce the VPC in size to the correct size of the image.

Hope this helps,

Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Posted by XRM Consultant

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Having worked with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 in a sales & development environment, my focus now is on customising this awesome solution and showing its true potential.
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