Archive for August 2011

MS Dynamics CRM 2011 Quick Ref. Javascript


Just a quick post today to advertise a very very useful post by fellow CRM Blogger Gareth Tucker..
Brilliant list of Javascript basics in CRM 2011 - JScript in CRM 2011– Quick Reference for the Basics


xRM Consulatant
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Posted by XRM Consultant

CRM 4 Email Router–Service Wont Start!


I had a customer call this week stating that the email marketing solution they had purchased from us (eCampaign, brilliant solution check it out here) was not sending emails.

Upon investigation, we realised that the email had been created but for some reason Microsoft Dynamics Email Router was not sending them. The email router service was stoppped and every time we tried to retstart it would immediately stop again!

After some digging around we found a blog post that gave us the solution.

The Microsoft.Crm.Tools.EmailAgent.SystemState.xml in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft CRM Email\Service folder had become corrupt. We closed down email router, removed the file and restated the service. This worked a treat and all the emails started sending merrily. Only problem……27k emails started sending! But at least the customer was happy to be sending emails again.

Hope this helps


xRM Consultant

P.S. Thanks to Marcello for his help!
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Posted by XRM Consultant

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Having worked with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 in a sales & development environment, my focus now is on customising this awesome solution and showing its true potential.
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